Organic agriculture is a production method that does not pollute the environment, destroy the ecology, and provide consumers with healthy and safe agricultural products. According to the definition of the Council of Agriculture: “Organic agriculture is a society that adheres to the principle of sustainable use of natural resources, does not allow the use of synthetic chemicals, emphasizes the management system of soil and water conservation and ecological balance, and achieves the goal of producing natural and safe agricultural products.” Toxic substances in the environment are absorbed by crops through soil, water, and even air. When these pollutants spread to organic farmland, the fruits, and vegetables grown by organic farming methods were also tested for heavy metals and pesticide residues. Therefore, the organic agriculture soil heavy metal risk assessment query platform is set.

The system establishes a soil heavy metal risk assessment standard parameter database for business and organic agricultural verification companies as a reference for future audit evaluation and agricultural land management. The three main functions of this system are “Inquiry for Agricultural Heavy Metal Risk Assessment in Farmland”, “Integrated Spatial Inquiry for Crop Cultivation Risk” and “Environmental Risk Inquiry for Agricultural Land”, and a complete front-end platform is built with a GIS-related operational design and service functions. Moreover, the system integrates diversified geospatial maps into multi-functional regional inquiries, including segment number query and the coordinate query to provide users with quick access to soil heavy metal risk assessment in all locations, combined with risk information of multiple crop cultivation and agricultural land environmental risk information. As a result, the work schedule is shortened and the quality of the evaluation work is improved.