SuperSurv Assists Ecological Research in France

With the assistance of Géo.RM, Supergeo is delighted to announce that the cutting-edge mobile GIS software, SuperSurv, is earlier chosen by CESBIO, a French research center focusing on ecological studies by using remote sensing data.

Located in Toulouse, the fourth largest city in France and the center of European aerospace industry, CESBIO can access some of the newest, finest satellite imageries and other remote sensing data in the world. This research center is composed of two teams, conducting different research projects, which both focus on regional scale to mesoscale environmental changes and strongly utilize remote sensing data as main data sources.

Although organizations like CESBIO can accomplish their projects by using satellite images, mobile GIS may still play a major role in the process of researching. To ensure the accuracy of remote sensing data, sending field technicians to verify the coordinates is needed. Integrating powerful GIS and GPS positioning functions, SuperSurv is an app for Android and iOS that can carry out this kind of task with ease. Because SuperSurv not only can perform all common GIS functions but can reach sub-meter accuracy with its NTRIP solution, users can survey a broad area rapidly and find if the coordinates have a significant offset. In the newest version- SuperSurv 10, released in March 2017, it has more useful and advanced features waiting field workers to explore.

Sign up and get a free trial of SuperSurv 10:

Watch the tutorials and demos of SuperSurv 10 on SupergeoTV:



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