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Filename Conflict



In order to avoid covering the original file or sharing the same file in the process of rectification, SuperGIS DataRectifier does not allow file overlapping. Therefore, before starting to rectify, the program will check whether there are files with the same name and the same format in the output folder. If there are files with the same name in the folder, SuperGIS DataRectifier will automatically rename the file for you; the default method is to add brackets and number after the original file name.


For example, you would like to rectify the file Test.jpg, but the file name conflict with the other file. Then, SuperGIS DataRectifier will change the file name to Test(1).jpg and add a Test(1).jgw file to define the boundary and location of the layer. There will be also a warning message to show the location and the name of the new file.


The file rectified by SuperGIS DataRectifier contains the coordinate system. So, some specific file formats need certain attachment file to define the coordinate system of the files. SuperGIS DataRectifier supports GEO Files(*.geo)and SHP Files(*.shp)for output vector layers. When you output the two vector formats, a DBF(*.dbf)file will be attached to define the coordinate system of the vector layer (besides DBF, SHX file will be added to SHP Files as well). As the names of the attached file conflict, SuperGIS DataRectifier will rename the file at the same time and show the warning message to remind you.


It is suggested that you check the filename before rectification to avoid the error occurrence.




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