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Function Definition Table




ABS(number): Returns absolutely value of its parameter.

ATAN(number): Returns the arctangent of its parameter in the range -pi/2 to pi/2 radians.

CEILING (number): Returns the smallest integer that is not less than the argument.

COS (number): Returns the cosine and its parameter.

EXP(number): Returns exponential value of the parameter.

FLOOR(number): Returns the floating-point value representing the largest integer that is not less than or equal to the parameter.

INT(number): Evaluates a numeric expression and returns integer portion of the expression.

LOG(number): Returns the logarithms of the parameter.

LOG10(number): Returns the base 10 logarithms of the parameter.

MOD(number): Divides one numeric expression by another numeric expression and returns the remainder.

PI(): Returns the value Pi.

ROUND(number, num, digits): Returns a supplied numeric expression rounded to the nearest integer.

SIGN(number): Returns an integer indicating the sign of a number. Greater than zero 1, Equal to zero 0, Less than zero -1.

SIN(number): Returns the since of its parameter.

SQRT(number): Returns the square-root of the parameter.

TAN(number): Returns the tangent of its parameter.



ALLTRIM(text): Removes the leading and trailing blanks from the specified character expression and returns the trimmed expression as a character string.

ANSITOOEM(text): Converts all the characters from the ANSI character set to OEM character set.

ASC(text): Returns the ANSI value for the leftmost character in a character expression.

AT(find_text, within_text,[occurence]): Returns the beginning numeric position of the first occurrence of a character expression or memo field, counting from the leftmost character.

ATC(find_text, within_text,[occurence]): Returns the beginning numeric position of the first occurrence of a character expression or memo field, without regard for the case of these two expressions.

CHR(number): Returns the character associated with the specified numeric ANSI code.

CHRTRAN(find_text, within_text,new_text): Replaces each character in a character that matches character in a second character expression with the corresponding character in a third character expression.

CTOT(text): Returns a Date Time value from a character expression.

ISALPHA(text): Determines whether the leftmost character in a character expression is alphabet.

ISDIGT(text): Determines whether the leftmost character in a character expression is digit (0 through 9).

ISLOWER(text): Determines whether the leftmost character in a character expression is lowercase alphabet character.

ISUPPER(text): Determines whether the leftmost character in a character expression is uppercase alphabet character.

LEFT(text,num_chars): Returns a specified number of characters from character expression, starting with the leftmost character.

LEN(text): Returns the number of characters in a character expression.

LOWER(text): This method converts the string to a lower-case string.

LTRIM(text): This method trims leading white-space characters from the string.

OCCURS(find_text,within_text): Returns the number of times a character expression occurs within another character expression.

OEMTOANSI(text): converts all the characters from the OEM character set to the ANSI set.

PADC(text,result_size,[pad_char]): Returns a string from an expression, padded with spaces or characters to a specified length on the left or right sides, or both.

PADL(text result_size,[pad_char]): Returns a string from an expression, padded with spaces or characters to a specified length on the left or right sides, or both.

PADR(text result_size,[pad_char]): Returns a string from an expression, padded with spaces or characters to a specified length on the left or right sides, or both.

REPLICATE(text, times): Returns a character string that contains a specified character expression repeated a specified number of times.

RIGHT(text,num_chars): Returns the specified number of rightmost characters from a character string.

RTRIM(text,num_chars): This method trims trailing white-space characters from the string.

SPACE(num_space): Returns a character string composed of a specified number of spaces.

STR(number,[length],[decimal]): Returns the character equivalent of a specified numeric expression.

STRTRAN(within_text,find_text,[new_text],[start_occur],[num_occur]): Searches a character expression or memo field for occurrences of a second character expression or memo field and then replaces each occurrence with a third character expression or memo field. You can specify where the replacement begins and how many replacements are made.

STUFF(text,start_num,num_chars,new_text): Returns a character string crated by replacing a specified number of characters in a character expression with another character expression.

SUBSTR(text,star_num,[num_chars]): Returns a character string from the given character expression or memo field.

UPPER(text): This method converts the string to a upper-case string.

VAL(text): Returns a numeric value from a character expression composed of numbers.



CDOW(serial_number): Returns the day of the week from a given Date or DateTime expression.

CMONTH(serial_number): Returns the name of the month from a given date or DateTime expression.

DATE([year],[month],[day]): Returns the current system date, which is controlled by the operating system, or creates a year 2000-compliant Date value.

DATETIME([year],[month],[day],[hour],[minute],[second]): Returns the current date and time as a DateTime value, or creates a year 2000-compliant DateTime value.

DAY(serial_number): Returns the numeric day of the month for a given Date or DateTime expression.

DMY(serial_number): Returns a character expression in day-month-year format (for example, 31 May 1998) from a Date or DateTime expression. The month name isn't abbreviated.

DTOC(serial_number,[1]): Returns a Character-type date from a Date or DateTime expression.

DTOS(serial_number): Returns a character-string date in a yyyymmdd format from a specified Date or DateTime expression

GOMONTH(serial_number,num_month): Returns the date that is a specified number of months before or after a given Date or DateTime expression.

HOUR(serial_number): Returns the hour portion from a DateTime expression.

MINUTE(serial_number): Returns the minute portion from a DateTime expression.

MONTH(serial_number): Returns the number of the month for a given Date or DateTime expression.

SEC(serial_number): Returns the seconds portion from a DateTime expression.

SECONDS(serial_number): Returns the number of seconds that have elapsed since midnight.

TIME():Returns the current system time in 24-hour, eight-character string (hh:mm:ss) format.

YEAR(serial_number): Returns the year from the specified date or datetime expression.



AREA(): Returns the area of the polygon feature.

GETX(): Returns the X coordinate value of the point feature.

GETY(): Returns the Y coordinate value of the point feature.

LENGTH(): Returns the length of the polyline feature or perimeter of the polygon feature.

PERIMETER(): Return the perimeter of the polygon feature.



NOTE: LENGTH() can be only used with line features; AREA() and PERIMETER() can only calculate polygon features.



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